La Fayette Grover Quotes

1 Quote

About La Fayette Grover

La Fayette Grover (November 29, 1823 – May 10, 1911) was a Democratic politician and lawyer from the U.S. state of Oregon. He was the fourth Governor of Oregon, serving from 1870 to 1877. A native of Maine, he previously was a member of the Oregon Territorial Legislature, represented Oregon in the United States House of Representatives, and was a member of the Oregon Constitutional Convention in 1857. Grover later served one term in the United States Senate.

Born: November 29th, 1823

Died: May 10th, 1911

Categories: 1910s deaths, People from Oregon, American politicians, Political leaders

Quotes: 1 sourced quote total

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We are now entering upon an important period of our development as a State. Our infancy as a Territorial Government has passed into history. Our early struggle as a young State of the Union has already turned the point of successful trial,and we now stand in the threshold of coming strength and power. With a territory ranking among the largest of the sisterhood, with a soil equal to the best, and a climate of a salubrity and healthfulness enjoyed by none other,with resources for the employment of industry of great variety and extent, it would seem difficult to predict for Oregon anything short of a most successful career. In fact, with a creditable management of public affairs, nothing stands in the way of our prosperity.

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